Roger Bruce Band 1978

Roger Zee Memoirs

"Life and Times of a Pandemic Musician"

Lovin' Tribeca 11/13/20

At some point in the late Seventies, a friend hipped me to two very cool bars across from each other right near the Manhattan A train, Chambers Street stop in Tribeca (just south of Soho.) Not too far from the infamous Mudd Club! I'd pick up the IRT line at 7th Avenue and 23rd Street and switch over to the A at 14th Street. An easy subway ride that I usually never had to take back home! OMG, what a hot streak! Tss... Right place, right time! Welcome to another excerpt from my memoirs, "Life And Times of a Pandemic Musician." B-|

I finally made peace with the "Free Lovin'" lifestyle of my twenties and thirties. Oh my God did I love it! Sins of my youth. Easier to trade in than give in! See, I grew up in the Swinging '60's -- "Beach Blanket Bingo" and spy flicks all the rage! Watch any James Bond or James Coburn "In Like Flint" movies. One woman after another. Forever on the move. It always came down to the same conflict. Did I want a little "Surfer Girl" or did I want Grace Slick! Guess who won? As great as it felt, unfortunately, that lifestyle proved ultimately unsustainable and in retrospect, unhealthy and undesirable. Best time of my meager existence! ;)

Always lived my life as a consistent streak player. I can go cold on women or music for up to two years at a time. But then go Hell bent for the next two! Too bad the ups and downs really drive me crazy! =^_^=

But back to Saturday nights in Tribeca. I immediately hit on a plan that consistently worked. I'd go back and forth between the two bars chatting up women until I scored three phone numbers. Then I'd decide on appearance and availability for who looked the most promising. I usually ended up grabbing the subway home with one of 'em. We'd spend a relaxing morning in bed finishing what we started the night before, then go out to eat at a diner. After, I'd ride the subway home. During the week, I'd dial up the other two ladies and see if we could make plans. When you're hot, you're hot! :)

Not sure why, but I didn't usually call up the one I slept with. Maybe just too much good fishing. But something odd happened. A couple of months into my streak, I ended up going home with Danae again -- as cute as a button, tiny, black haired, adorable but hairy Greek woman who lived in Astoria. We got along famously in every way. And now I ask myself, why the Hell didn't I try to make it into something a little more lasting? The answer, probably because I kept getting served up way too much on my plate. But that's the story of my life. Stupidly letting the good ones go, and holding on too tightly to those who only do me damage! Strangely enough, can't remember why I stopped mining those Tribeca bars! But I still dream about Danae. ;)

As the years roll by, I shift my approach to establishing meaningful, loving relationships. But I realize that's just not my forte, LOL! I'm plainly so much better at attracting women than keeping them. Unfortunately, I sure picked a bad time to end up between girlfriends... But this Pandemic too shall pass -- hopefully by next Summer or Fall. Until then, I remain in extreme-risk lock down -- writing, studying Spanish, working on Yoga and bass playing and trying to maintain my mental health, LOL! So on this Covid-19, 60 degree December day, I pay homage to my '60's espionage roots and go over the low-end parts to Johnny River's "Greatest Hits." One <3

YouTube - Secret Agent Man - Johnny Rivers

©2020 Roger Zee