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Nina at Montauk, NY

Roger Zee Memoirs

"Life and Times of a Pandemic Musician"

Nina 3 07/25/20

Decided to lighten up a bit and lay off talking about my supernatural, crow messenger service. Friends and family started to get upset. They worry not just about my sanity, but about their health as well. A few even asked me to stay out of Turnure Park in White Plains, NY where the crows congregate and contact me. No one wants my visions of death or broken relationships to include them! Let me make this clear. No joking! My gift's real and no fun. Terrifying actually... So today I return to another favorite topic -- women, in particular, my great Nina romance. Welcome to this excerpt from my memoirs, "Life and Times of a Pandemic Musician."

When we last left off, Nina and I had headed out on an impromptu, 6-day vacation in Montauk, Long Island -- our first together. We lucked out and managed to score a vacancy at the Memory Motel for the first two nights. On the morning of the third day, we packed our bags, loaded them in the car, and headed off to a delicious breakfast. No big–box stores allowed in Montaulk. After that, we took a leisurely stroll down the main strip and checked every single hotel / motel for a room without any luck. No worries. We found a primo spot on the beach and enjoyed a wonderful afternoon.

Around 3 or 4 o'clock, we showered the sand off, loaded stuff back in the car, and took off for another walk around town. This time, one motel manager had a vacant staff room that also held the paint supplies. Smelly, damp, with a few puddles on the floor, the room totally grossed us out! But with no other option, we took it. After another nice dinner followed by a walk through the beach campfires, we returned to the room and tried to sleep, without much luck! I didn't know it at the time, but Nina suffered from terrible allergies and woke up the next morning with both eyes completely puffed up. Not a happy camper. I apologized profusely. She didn't say a word. Not even over breakfast! Never a good thing when a woman won't speak.

So we picked up a local paper and looked for hotel vacancies that we could check out via the car. Thank God we finally found a place, even if only for one night. Off to the beach again for another "sun shiney" day. Eventually, Nina mellowed out, we enjoyed a nice Italian meal, and another night of strolling through the campfires on the ocean beach. Back in the room, we watched sone cable TV, got to know each other's bodies a little better, and fell asleep contentedly entwined. But we woke up the next morning anxious about once again looking for a place to stay the next night. More to come on that in the next episode.

So on this ConEd anointed heatwave, Covid-19 lockdown Saturday, I dream about new love on a Montauk beach while sweating alone in my apartment learning the bass parts to the wonderful Stills-Young Band 1976 album. One <3

YouTube - Midnight on the Bay - Stills-Young Band

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