My Spirit Animal - The Crow

Roger Zee Memoirs

"Life and Times of a Pandemic Musician"

Lockdown Activities 06/13/20

Like I said from the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic shutdown, this will end up going down one of two roads -- eventual recovery of life as we knew it or else the start of the one depicted in "The Walking Dead!" I've spent the past three months preparing for either possibility... Welcome to another excerpt from my memoirs, "Life and Times of a Pandemic Musician." B-|

As my intimates know, I spend every day in extreme-risk lockdown learning the bass parts to a favorite CD as well as studying Spanish, honing both my craft and mind. I also train in Yoga and the Martial Arts to maintain the skills necessary to survive the Apocalypse! =^_^=

Now please don't think I've gone off the rails. Though I've always played music, I made my real money in logic, math, and computer programming. But I also inhabit the Spiritual World as depicted by Native Americans and Carlos Castaneda. I gratefully bonded with my spirit animal, the crow, during a vision quest a few years back after my 5-day heart attack. Now, on rare occasions, one will land in front of me while I'm walking to warn of the imminent passing of someone dear to me. :-O

The Beatles nailed it when they sang, "All You Need Is Love!" Unfortunately most politicians in power just don't get it, LOL! I've spent my life searching for true love, and I found it on a number of occasions. Just can't seem to sustain it. But that doesn't preclude me from getting it right in the future. And in the meanwhile, I bathe myself in memories of past romance as I go over the bass lines to Van Morrison's deeply touching album, "Poetic Champions Compose." One <3

YouTube - Someone Like You - Van Morrison

©2020 Roger Zee