Roger Zee Memoirs
Carla 06/02/20
I remember so many times debating as a teenager with my good friend Kenny Peck about who's the greatest band -- The Doors or The Beatles, LOL! No one ever wins these types of arguments. But I so loved talking it out. Of course, in retrospect, Kenny and The Beatles "Trumped" me. Welcome to another excerpt from my memoirs, "Life and Times of a Pandemic Musician."
The Doors, especially Jim Morrison, truly lit my fire! This Greek God, with so much charisma, sensuality, talent, and just plain "Girl Power," inspired me to grow my hair long in an attempt to clone his sultry, Satyr look. Sadly, I did not possess the musical talent and personality to make the image work for me.
However, at 17, I met my first lover and "Twentieth Century Fox," Carla, while hanging out at Grace Avenue Park in Great Neck, NY. I guess my poser image managed to convince her to accompany me up to my drummer friend's local, empty apartment. I always regretted puffing up and not treating this loving, beautiful girl / woman with the respect, romance, and kindness that she deserved. But that's a story for another day... I more than paid for my sins. That sorrow follows me to this very day. Strangely enough, many years later when my parents retired and sold their house, they bought a condo with a balcony overlooking the very spot in Grace Avenue Park where Carla and I met!
Funny how my two favorite bands, The Doors and Bad Company, managed tremendous radio comebacks years after their initial success. As I spend another day in lockdown in these crazy and deadly times of rebellion and disease, I spend my morning going over the bass lines to The Doors' epic, eponymous debut album while yearning for my health's return as well as a romantic come back... One <3
YouTube - Twentieth Century Fox - The Doors
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