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Roger Zee Memoirs

"Life and Times of a Pandemic Musician"

Anna 06/08/20

Woke up this morning at 7:15 to the pre-hurl yowls of my cat Lembus. Had to leap out of bed to make sure he didn't unleash on one of our area rugs. He led me by the nose throughout the apartment as I quickly wiped up behind him. Thought I got it all but just now stepped in some more... Welcome to another episode of my memoirs, "Life and Times of a Pandemic Musician." B-|

The basic curve of my life reads ecstatic peaks followed by extended, lowdown or just humdrum valleys. On today's journey, I revisit one of my highs -- Anna (see promo pic.) I met her on an early '80s, solo, weekend "Walkabout" club jaunt. Starting in Chelsea on the West side and heading southeast to the Bowery, I took a quick peek into the elegant One 5th Avenue. The crowd enticed me to enter for a closer look wherein I spied a striking, trim, well-dressed, dark-haired beauty drinking alone at the bar. Way out of my league! So I sucked it up, gathered all my courage and headed over.

Surprisingly enough, we hit it off! She loved Rock 'n' Roll and so did I. Anna yearned to sing with a band but didn't know how to go about it. Bingo! I got lucky. Real lucky! But when she left my apartment next morning, I discovered I had committed a major faux pas. I forgot to get her phone number!

Six months passed before I ran into her again at One 5th Avenue. But she seemed real happy to see me which thrust me over the moon! I did not make the same mistake twice, LOL! We picked up right where we left off...

Immediately, we launched into indulging our "Wild Side." I would meet her at 6 p.m. at Grand Central station where she'd look up at the CT train destination board and randomly pick out a beach town. I'd buy the tickets, we'd hop on the train, and when got there, pick out a restaurant. After drinks, dinner, and a little weed, we'd take a sunset walk over to the local beach and snuggle up, only to wake up next morning naked in the sand feeling very satisfied. Does life get any better?

Turns out Anna needed to move out of her apartment so I took the obvious next step and offered to share my studio apartment with her on West 22nd Street in Manhattan. Not a lot of space, but then again, young and in love, what did we need, LOL! Unfortunately, soon my life-long intimacy issues reared their ugly head and I discovered that she had a drinking problem. Nirvana on Earth slowly dissipated...

So on another lovely, Protest / Riot / Covid-19 day, I fondly dream about Anna in lockdown while learning the bass lines to Joan Jett's breakout album, "I Love Rock 'n' Roll." One <3

YouTube - I Love Rock'n Roll - Joan Jett

©2020 Roger Zee