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Renee Miranda

"Music Publicist" Renee Miranda Interview

Interview by Roger Zee (07/20/21)

Roger Zee: Which musical artists inspired you growing up? Do you sing or play any instruments?
Renee Miranda: My very first love was Motown. I grew up in The South Bronx during the 50’s through the 60’s. That’s what I was exposed to. Then came the Beatles, the Stones, The Doors, Joplin, etc. Later I got into Punk, Rock, and Metal. Unfortunately, I do not sing or play an instrument.

RZ: Who inspired you to become a music publicist/promoter?
RM: Mista Mike Miranda, when I first met him approximately 45 years ago, YIKES! We started dating, and of course I wanted to support him in whateva his endeavors/ambitions. In his case . . . Rock Star . . . No big deal, LOL! I learned/realized that exposure's important to get people to come to the shows. Otherwise you’re just playing for yourself.

Back, I mean wayyy back in the day, it took a whole lotta work to get the word out about gigs. We had to create our flyers, make copies, and type out individual envelopes from addresses we collected at the shows. At that time, we had no access to computers. We folded the flyers, put them in envelopes, sealed them, and pasted on postage. So now I appreciate apps like Facebook that allow me to promote without the time and expense it used to take!

RZ: Tell me about the bands you've publicized and promoted.
RM: I primarily promote my husband Mike’s bands -- Snappahead, House Arrest, and hopefully Lizard King, a Doors Tribute Band, should return to action soon. Years ago, Mike also played in Nightshift, Classic Rock; Jingo, a Santana tribute band; Seville Swing, an awesome swing band with horns; Dillinger, originals and covers; and Flashback Hero, 70’s and 80’s covers.

RZ: What means do you use to promote and publicize your artists.
RM: Mainly Facebook and Messenger, Instagram, texts, word of mouth, and whatever else I can think of. We try to support our friends at their shows as well, which I feel is VERY important. But if people there ask where our band's playing, I give them all the information. That’s no disrespect to the groups that play that night. They’re welcome to do the same at our shows!

RZ: How has the Pandemic affected you? What's on the horizon?
RM: Well due to Covid, I got laid off of my job as a legal assistant in midtown Manhattan. And I found myself unemployed for the first time in almost fifty years. Now I'm embarking on a new chapter in my life. I look forward to seeing what’s out there for me. Staying involved with bands and music's definitely part of the plan!

RZ: Describe your most special and/or unusual gig.
RM: Mike’s old band, Flashback Hero, played a show at CPN (Central Park North) where a patron requested "Born to Be Wild." When the group began the song, the guy ran out of the bar and came right back in riding his bike, singing the song along with the band with everybody cheering him on. A real Rock 'n' Roll moment!

When Snappahead performed and Ace Frehley of Kiss showed up and played a couple of songs with the band. Really cool!

At another Snappahead show, John Tempesta, from Rob Zombie and The Cult, showed up and played a few songs with the group. John's an old Bronx friend and a really great guy.

RZ: How do you see the future of the music business?
RM: I’m not sure, but I think that if bands and musicians keep playing in front of people and delivering a good time, the audience will never tire of that. Hopefully, more bars, clubs and restaurants will book them to make it happen again!

RZ: What advice do you give up-and-coming musicians, promoters, and publicists?
RM: Musicians -- keep playing, singing, and doing what you love. Sharing your special gift! Promoters --never bad-mouth another band or musician. Inspire them!

RZ: Do you live with any animals?
RM: Nope. Both Mike and I always find ourselves either at work, a show, or somewhere! Not fair to leave the animals alone for so many hours every single day.

RZ: Any other thoughts you'd like to share?
RM: I couldn’t imagine my life without music. Although I have no talent for making music, either playing or singing, I love supporting my friends who do!

YouTube - Paradise City - Snappahead

YouTube - Roadhouse Blues - Lizard King

©2021 Roger Zee

Mike Miranda, Renee Miranda

GarajDesign, Inc.