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Dick N Jane "Atlantic Beach Club July 4, 2009"

Dick N Jane
"Atlantic Beach Club July 4, 2009"

CD review by Roger Zee (09/15/09)
Appeared in More Sugar, November 2009, P. 18B

Over the past six months, I've spotlighted a number of very successful cover bands and tried to analyze their appeal. I've divided the groups into three general (and sometimes overlapping) categories: tribute, theme, and widely diverse. Dick N Jane falls into the third area. The previously reviewed Amish Outlaws (theme and diverse), feature two lead vocalists. Dick N Jane ups the ante to three plus! That's right. Three lead vocalists along with occasional lead singing from the bassist, lead guitarist, and keyboardist. The band consists of founding member, Mark Carey (lead male vocals, rhythm guitar, actor, radio producer and voice over guy), Lori Trespicio (lead female vocals, a cast member of MTV's Real World, killer, hot layout in Stuff Magazine), founding member, Shayna Ross (lead female vocals, pogo dancing), Dan Joyce (keys, guitar, vocals), Matt Steinberg (drums), John Polino (lead guitar, vocals), and Rob Murphy (bass, vocals).

Dick n Jane presents an old-style review of the last two decades' pop hits. Joyfully, the singers can really sing and the players really slam. On this hot, sunny day at The Atlantic Beach Club right on Newport's Easton Beach, the combo had the crowd dancing and drinking (much to the delight of the owners) all afternoon. Talk about a "walk-in crowd!" Genre shifting reigned supreme. One moment they're shaking to Dee Lite's "Groove Is In The Heart" and the next, they're grinding through Metallica's "Enter the Sandman." With stops along the way at Nena's "99 Red Balloons, Blink 182's "All the Small Things," K.T. Tunstall's "Black Horse and a Cherry Tree," AC DC's "You Shook Me All Night Long," Pink's "U and UR Hand," and Big and Rich's "Ride a Horse, Save a Cowboy," and ending on The Beastie Boys' "You Got To Fight 4 the Right" And like most good shows, they ripped from one song to another.

Put together top notch material and energetic, highly skilled players, and voila, you hit the lottery. John Polino shredded his guitar solos. Rob Murphy tore into his bass with so much attitude and energy that his hand cramped. Dan Joyce shifted from keys to guitar like a gypsy, and Matt Steinberg propelled the audience through a wonderful afternoon of grooving. Mark Carey kidded around as MC. Lori Trespicio sang and looked gorgeous in her white dress. Shayna Ross ripped the roof off that sucka with enormous lung power and ferocious pogo dancing.

So if you find yourself in the Boston area, do yourself a favor and party with DickNJane. And don't forget to bring your dancing shoes.

©2009 Roger Zee

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