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"Music Master" Dave Fields

Dave Fields
"Music Master" Dave Fields

Interview by Roger Zee (03/21/15)

Roger Zee: You grew up in NYC with your famous musician father. How did that influence you?
Dave Fields: Wow, in so many ways! Growing up the son of Sammy "Forever" Fields took me on an amazing musical adventure. At a young age, my father would take me out of school and bring me to recording studios where I would observe the whole process. My dad always hired heavy-hitter musicians. As an aspiring young guitarist, I got to do sessions with top NYC players including guitarists such as Bob DeVoe and Steve Bill. I also got to see at close range what it took to be a professional composer/arranger/producer. My family moved to Demarest, NJ when I was in grade school and my father built a "world class" recording studio in our home frequented by the likes of Stevie Wonder and Barbara Streisand among others. Being surrounded by that talent was inspiring.

Roger Zee: When and how did you catch the bug to become a "Rocker?"
Dave Fields: I was born to "Rock," LOL! My first love was Fifties Rock and Roll followed by The Beatles. From a young age I knew all I wanted to do was play guitar. The more I studied music, the more I realized how guitar was the driving force behind Rock and Roll. As I progress with my music, I realize how all of what I loved as a kid stemmed from the blues. My dad would play piano for my sister and me as kids and he would always perform this Jerry Lee Lewis song, "Great Balls of Fire." When I heard it, I would go nuts! That song is the perfect blend of Blues and Rock and Roll.

Roger Zee: How did you come to play all the instruments on your album, "Time's a Wastin'?"
Dave Fields: Here's the long answer. My father was my mentor. He always tried to prepare me for any musical situation. One of those by-products was that he encouraged me to become a multi-instrumentalist. At a young age I took piano, bass, drum, and guitar lessons. I began with piano. As I got older, I picked up mandolin, pedal steel, ukulele and more! Also, economic concerns factored into my playing all the instruments on that record!

Roger Zee: How did you entice John Mayall to cover your song, "Train to My Heart?"
Dave Fields: I didn't entice him! That was luck! He heard my song on one of The Big City Blues Magazine (of which I am the NYC contributor) CD samplers. I can't describe how excited I was to get a call from Mayall out of the blue asking for the lyrics! That was one of the most exciting days of my life.

Roger Zee: Your most recent CD, "All In," has resided near the top of the US RMR Top 50 Blues Rock Chart for over half a year! To what do you attribute its success?
Dave Fields: First of all, I've been so fortunate to have the support of fans from all over the US as well as all over the world. Rick Lusher, my PR agent, does a fabulous job. At the time of this interview, "All In" lists at #10 on The RMR Top 50 Blues Rock Charts and has been in the top 10 since August 25, 2014. Interesting enough, people love our cover of Led Zeppelin's "Black Dog!" Lastly, I tried to capture the fire of my stage show on this CD. For example, we cut "Changes in My Life" live in the studio. I only overdubbed a few vocal lines and added tambourine.

Roger Zee: Tell me about your projected European summer tour
Dave Fields: Interesting you ask that as I just got an email about a possible July 4th gig in Norway! Right now, I'm still in the process of finalizing dates but so far it looks like Norway in June and July! I've been so lucky to gain a foothold. I love my Norwegian fans! It's a magical country.

Roger Zee: What and when do you intend to record next?
Dave Fields: I'm working on recording a Dave Field Live CD and putting it out by Fall or early Spring of 2016.

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